Living the Liminal: Episode 81 – Wherever you are, you are.

  • ep80

Braving the edge is my way of sharing stories that open us to the greater potential that resides in all of us. I have come to know the more I witness my own courage and strength, the braver I am to witnessing that very same power in another. Change is a beautiful energy.

I am a storyteller. My kids even laugh at how creative I can be in my storytelling. I invite you to own your life story and use it to expand your vision so that your life is aligned with what you really want in your heart. Truth has always been my vision and every time I live my truth…the world expands and I rise to meet it. I want that for you.

I wish for you…the world!


  • Taking a look through the lens to see what is happening around you, and then the contrast to it.
  • The seduction of the calling.
  • The joy that comes from the ego narrative.
  • Receive the guidance from the calling itself.
  • The experience of multiplicity. There are a lot of aspects to the whole.
  • Make a thousand mighty decisions and deaths and rebirths. It’s the ongoing evolution. The infinite within us.
  • How it’s taboo to get closer to the REAL narrative that we need and are being called to understand and accept.



She is becoming by Katie Adelia


You can reach Kristi at

Comments and questions are always welcome.

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