One-time Coaching Package
Discover your deep desire so you can show up authentically YOU in every relationship. Bring awareness to the wild instinct within you for more. Take this one-time leap of next-level faith and emerge the wild inhibition that lives a part of you.
WILDLY YOU includes the following:
- 3 – 1:1 inner work sessions via Zoom (scheduled bi-weekly)
- Individualized email support as a follow-up to the session
- Personalized resources for you to expand on our sessions
- In-the-moment text and email access
Value: $1197
I want to offer this one-time package to you for only $697 in full.
In addition to your coaching sessions, you will receive a delicious workbook – Mind Yoga: Cultivating Harmony in your Relationships with Others. This workbook will give you tools to harmonize your thoughts and emotions so that you have more satisfaction in your relationships. You will be happier.